Bubble goes to space 我的作品飛到外太空了! http://www.mesoloft.com/ 我是來自台灣的Justina,前幾個月有一個公司 Mesoloft 請我幫他們設計一個用紙做的容器,可以幫他們帶人體骨灰撒到太空去 一個最特別的方法來紀念那個在天上的人的回憶和夢想, 飛離地球30公里, 接近外太空的壯觀的美, 再慢慢的輕輕的 變成點點雨滴或雪片,飄回地球 ,無所不在 備註: 現在影片中送到外太空的灰,只是一般的沙 A few months ago, I was asked by Mesoloft to design enclosure for a very unique project: Taking ashes to the edge of space.

On 9/26/14 Mesoloft sent their first customers to the edge of space. Lois & John were a husband and wife who's children thought scattering their ashes at the edge of space would be the perfect way to remember them. Over the next days, weeks, and months those ashes will be carried by the winds all over the world.